Mr Suresh Chander was born in Chennai. His father worked as an engineer in Voltas. He used to live a carefree life until he lost his father at the age of 25 years. This realization hit him, and he realised he needed to care of his family while also taking on larger tasks.
Mr Suresh Chander joined Serum Institute in the sales and marketing department after graduating. From 1986 until 1989, he worked there for nearly three years. He went to work for Johnson & Johnson in Salem, Tamil Nadu, for 5 years.
He then relocated to Ahmedabad, Gujarat, to work for Core Health Care. After a two-year stint there, he relocated to Mumbai and accepted a position at Novacell. He considered starting his own business when he moved to Mumbai, but because he was new to the city and unfamiliar with the neighbourhood, he put the idea on hold. He ended up staying at Novacell for 9 years.
That experience exposed him to Western markets.
Mr Suresh Chander had extensive contacts and a good understanding of the products by this point. Following his time in Novacell, he made one more time to strike out on his own but had an important task to complete as an employee of Novacell hence deferred the plan for some more time.
He held a senior position in a chemical manufacturing company but the product manufactured was not competitive due to changes in the Technology along with product registration in the developed markets.He approached his CMD with a launch of his own company and he strongly advised him to go forward but insisted he completes the project.
He began as a freelancer in 2004 and worked on commission for foreign companies. He quickly gained traction but he wanted to do something bigger. In 2006, completed the project of transferring the IPR of Novacell to Dow Chemicals and started giving 100% concentration to Radiance Bio-Synthetics Pvt Ltd.
Mr Suresh Chander developed a product portfolio in specialty chemicals and acquired marketing and distribution rights from some of the world's leading companies.
Within a few years of entering the market, he is working with the majority of the industry's prominent names. Radiance has expanded into the production of organic intermediates and industrial biocides.
They have now set a target of Rs 100 crore in revenue by 2025.
Mr Suresh Chander had always wanted to be an entrepreneur, though he ran into difficulties three times and had to postpone his plans. Mr Suresh Chander was already in his forties and knew that venturing out was not going to get any easier. Age was simply a number to him, and his conviction was unequivocal.