Solomon Salvis had a very humble beginning, as he was born and raised in a Mumbai slum where even meeting basic daily needs was difficult. Fortunately, he was able to attend an English medium school.
A friend of his father encouraged him to study computer engineering. This helped him land his first job in Sales for one of the IBM Business partner. His task was to secure commercial orders for laptops and desktop computers.
Solomon Salvis has been a very focused and determined person by nature. He is one of the first IBM Solution Sales specialist in the country. He worked extremely hard and was awarded the prestigious title of "Best Salesperson" by IBM.
This gave him a lot of confidence, and he began to believe in his abilities.
During one of the corporate training sessions he attended, he met Shiv Khera, one of the country's leading Leadership Speaker and Trainer. That experience had captivated and enchanted him. Solomon Salvis aspired to be a Leadership and Talent Development Specialist.
He invested in learning the art and nuances of corporate training after deciding to become a Trainer. He established his own firm after gaining a firm grasp on the subject.
His programs were well received by most of the leading Corporates in India, and he began to receive invitations from all over the country & abroad. He now runs a leading Leadership and Talent Development organization specializing in game-based learning, having Trained over 150,000 professionals in more than 20 different countries. His father suffered a massive heart attack at the age of 42, that experience had a profound effect on him. Solomon had a daughter at a late age, and he was determined to be a fit father to her.
In order to live a healthier lifestyle, he enrolled in yoga classes. He also started training for marathon running. He never missed a training session and always followed the training instructions exactly.
He has always strived to be the best at whatever he does, and he has completed two Ironman races at the age of 48. This race requires a 1.9 kms swim in the sea, a 90kms bike ride, and a 21.1 kms run one after the other in 8.5 hours. In addition, he holds the record for performing 300 Surya Namaskars in a row!
By sheer determination, self-belief, and a burning desire to succeed, Solomon Salvis conceived and accomplished some near-impossible things in his life.
Anything is possible, according to Solomon; you just have to believe it. He is truly inspired by Napoleon Hill's quote, "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve."
BE computers and Executive Education from IIM Calcutta
22 years
Completed 21 half marathons, 3 Full marathons, 2 times Ironman 70.3, awarded for performing 300 Suryanamaskars at one go, One of the first IBM Solutions Specialist in the Country, Trained 150000 corporate professionals and Entrepreneurs in 20 countries
To Compete for atleast one Ironman 70.3 for the next 38 years of my life, To be a leading Game based Edtech company in the world.
Health & Fitness, making people play games and reflect on their values, behaviours and mindsets to grow and scale to the next orbit of success.
Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, sister madonna buder, Aporesh Acharya
Every day in every way in all my areas of life, I am getting better and better.
The Greatest Salesman in the world - og mandino
The founder
Niagara Falls with Family
English, Hindi and Marathi
Running, Swimming, Cycling and Yoga. Reading books