Mr Om Prakash Gupta came from a low-income family. His father moved from Uttar Pradesh to Mumbai and began working as a vegetable vendor to support his family. His father obtained employment as a flour mill operator. They lived on the mill premises, where Mr Om Prakash Gupta was born.
He was overjoyed when his father asked him to help him in the flour mill. He used to spend a lot of time managing the operations at the flour mill. He had a can-do attitude and developed an interest in business at a young age.
Mr Om Prakash Gupta started with his first job in the logistics industry.
After 3 yrs, he got a chance to start a business with a friend in 1996, when he was 25 years old. The company became reasonably profitable in a short period of time, but due to some aspirational differences, he decided to leave and strike out on his own.
GRT Logistics was founded in 1998 with an initial investment of Rs 2.8 lakhs borrowed from friends and family. He had the Midas touch when it came to business. Within five years of operation, they had clogged a revenue of more than Rs 50 crores and a team of 50 people. In 2003, he purchased a nice office and a house.
Though he was doing well, he was not spiritually fulfilled and yearned for something deeper.
GRT Logistics continued to grow, and during that time, they were able to diversify into ship chartering.He got a lot of signals from the universe telling him that something was not right. Even though he was only partially convinced of this move, he went ahead and signed a contract for two ships with a South Korean company.
The decision, as fate would have it, backfired. The market dynamics shifted against them, and they were unable to meet the contractual obligations. The organisation was subjected to a great deal of stress and pain as a result of this. He was staring down a multi-crore lawsuit from the South Korean corporation.
Mr Om Prakash Gupta was open and honest with the South Korean team from the start. They were, however, obstinate and unwilling to reach an amicable solution. They went ahead with the legal process.
Mr Om Prakash Gupta was now confronted with a challenge he had never faced before. His financial situation quickly deteriorated. He ended up with a mountain of debt. Turnover fell to Rs 2.5 Cr, and almost all of his team left.
It was also very draining on an emotional level. Many of his friends and family advised him to wind up the business. However, he had faith in himself and was certain he would find a way out.
Om Prakash Gupta maintained his tenacity throughout this time. He maintained constant contact with the South Korean team. With complete honesty, he solved one problem at a time. As he progressed, he began to gain more and more confidence. The recovery trajectory was now on the rise. He began signing up new clients and reassembling the team.
He feels much more spiritually complete as a result of this experience. His perspective has improved significantly, which is reflected in this second stage of development.
GRT Logistics has now reached Rs 80+ crores in revenue and has set a target of Rs 180 crores by the end of 2023.
A business journey is always full of ups and downs. Many times, our outcomes do not favour us. At times, we face challenges that are far beyond our capabilities.
You can stay on track if you have a strong sense of purpose. Whatever your business or profession, if you are dedicated and passionate about it, you will be able to withstand whatever is thrown at you.It is extremely important to maintain physical, mentaly and emotional tenacity.Never give up till you have explored your complete potential.