Jignesha Bhansali began her career at a young age due to family circumstances.
Jignesha Bhansali made the decision to become financially independent prior to her marriage.
Jignesha Bhansali began her career as a salesperson.
Sales is one such profession that allows you to shape your own destiny. We've noticed that many people are uninterested in working in sales.
She was a fearless and brave saleswoman. She is very proud of her selling abilities and is pleased to identify herself as a successful salesperson.
She had a stable career and achieved good financial success within a few years.
At the age of 23, she applied for a home loan with her own IT returns. Her loan application and home purchase experience was very interesting and exciting.
When she went to the broker, he did not first entertain her and instead asked her to return with her parents.
He was skeptical that someone so young could even consider purchasing a home. At this age, most young adults would want to live a life full of fun and enjoyment.
Jignesha's case was extremely unusual. When the bank loan officials insisted on seeing her parents' financial documents and statements, she surprised them by presenting her own with full loan eligibility.
Her focus and preparation compelled them to take her seriously and process her housing loan.
The context is even more intriguing because she did everything by herself in order to surprise her parents on their 25th wedding anniversary.
In her thirties, Jignesha had a very settled and blessed life. She positioned herself to complete the home loan by the age of 34.
She married Mr. Abhishek Bhansali, who became the foundation of her life. She could live a lavish and comfortable life. She had a good financial standing.
This is the most significant advantage of living a focused and objective life. When we achieve some of life's major milestones at a young age, we have the scope and space to explore other aspects of life.
This prompted her to seek out the next big challenge. She was actively seeking opportunities for advancement.
Then came the occasion when she was invited to a friend's housewarming party and thought of a very personalized gift. Unfortunately, she had very few options to choose from. This inspired her to launch MYSTIC KAORI, a holistic body care company that incorporates a trinity of spiritual, mental, and physical aspects in every product that it makes
Within the first two years of her business, she was inundated with positive feedback on her products. This encouraged her to expand her business.
Her mission now is to make a significant difference in the lives of others by spreading happiness through her personalized line of body care products.
Today's youth do not make good use of their time. They squander this valuable time by playing video games and watching mindless entertainment videos.
Jignesha Bhansali demonstrated how to harness the energy and exuberance of youth by reaching such a significant milestone at such a young age.
Diploma in Counseling from Untec Institute, Auckland
2 Year worked in Corporate, 15 Years as worked Entrepreneur
scholarship in first year of diploma 5000$ NZ
To sell happy products blessed with divine energy
Spirituality leaving a , Play Golf, Passionate about Physical fitness, Yoga, Pranayama,
Indra Nooyi - Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader. The distance between number one and number two is always a constant.
I am strong because a strong woman raised me
My experiments with truth
European countries, Switzerland
English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati
Cooking, traveling, nature walk